I'm Alvin, double majoring in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics & Statistics and minoring in Digital Arts at Stony Brook University. Welcome to my personal website!

About me

Get to know me

A Flame Before the Wick

My obsession started before recognition. Growing up, I enjoyed solving puzzles and playing with Legos. Starting with scraps of bricks and puzzle pieces to complete stuctures and pictures would ignite a flame.

Although finding my wick was difficult in the realm of problem-solving, I soon discovered computer science.

Now delved for over four years, I have programmed robots, developed beautiful and responsive websites, and excelled in the B.N.C.H.S. Computer Science Program. My current interests are AI/ML and software development.

The wick is found. The rest is history as the flame ever so grows.


My works of art

Facial Emotion Recognition App

A machine learning algorithm via Tensorflow and OpenCV capable of accurately detecting human emotions (happiness, sadness, anger, disgust, surprise, neutral). Utilizes computer vision to recognize faces and several emotions.

Skills: Python, TensorFlow, OpenCV

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Blueberry is Team 5599's robot for the FIRST Robotics Regional Competition. Developed via Java, the robot code allows for it to shoot balls into goals, taxi autonomously and tele-operated, and climb rungs. Blueberry's code showcases object-oriented programming through coding controls, pneumatics, and motors.

Skills: Java, robotics, object-oriented programming (OOP)

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Photography Portfolio Website

Created to showcase my portfolio of photos, this website contains an intuitive, minimal, and responsive user interface. Implemented via React.js and utilizes React hooks. Demonstrates soft coding and scalability.

Skills: React.js, Javascript, HTML, CSS

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Tic Tac Toe

A Java program that allows for two users to play Tic Tac Toe. Demonstrates a basic understanding of two-dimensional arrays, user inputs, pre-conditions, post-conditions, exceptions thrown, and object-oriented-programming.

Skills: Java, object-oriented programming (OOP)

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Get in touch

I'm constantly searching for new opportunities, feel free to reach out!

2024 © Alvin Shin